Thursday, May 1, 2008

...6 month Update and more!

Lil' Sweet Pea went to the Dr. today! She is now tipping the scales at... 13 lbs. 9 oz and 26 in long

Here are a few Pics from the last month and the rest of the story...

...The Dr. is a little worried that she isn't gaining enough weight! She has only gained 1 lb since her 4 month appt. He wants to see her back the middle of June to see how she was doing instead of waiting till her 1 year check up! He asked me about her eating & nursing. Which she loves both! She is going to be the 3 year old still nursing I am afraid! He doesn't think that she nurses long enough?! (My daughter is the definition of NOSEY! If something is going on around her she will eat just enough to comfort her for a while and then she is pulling the blanket off to see whats going on. I am not kidding! She is very active and doesn't even stop moving in her sleep, she gets that from her dad!) So he suggested nursing her in a quiet room... We will see?! He wants me to hold off on giving her other solids right now. When we go back in mid June if things still aren't up to par he wants to run some tests to make sure things are working right. Which I am so glad that he is concerned. I have a very GOOD Dr. !

Well let me paint a picture for you...
Olivia just got 3 shots (crying/screaming/cranky), I am by myself and a little upset about the whole weight issue (Nolan had a Business Appt.) and the weather is nasty (that makes me grouchy)! I try and call Nolan, thinking he should be done by now, nope no answer. My mom is at school teaching (can't call her)...My Mother-in-Law is at work, (I don't want to start crying on the phone and her thinking that her son married an idiot!) So what do I do? I call the next best thing to my mom, MY SISTER! She calmed me down and told me things would be fine! I mostly just needed to cry to a Female! (Nolan doesn't understand that?)

I know she is just fine, but I just need reassured sometimes! You know...right?
Being a first time mom is very stressful!
She is the best thing that EVER (well next to her dad)
happened to me!


Heidi said...

Oh my gosh...could that baby get any cuter? She'll catch up soon. Don't worry. And any time you need to cry, I'm your girl. Seriously. I'll cry with you. I'm good like that.

Keri said...

Both of my girls have had the drs concerned about their weight. Sydney had all sorts of horrible tests done & nothing was wrong. I sure hope Olivia starts nursing better for you. Her wanting to see what's going on comes with the age. I hear you on calling everyone, but no one can talk. Aren't sisters the best?

Amanda said...

That's what sisters are here for! We help each other. Jeremy sure is glad that I have you to talk to so I don't talk his ear off! Livy will be just fine! She's the sweetest baby girl!

Megan said...

Thanks Keri! Manda actually told me about your little girls! Which made me feel helps me to know that I am not the only mom that has heard it before!

Heidi! I will think of you next time! Thanks for the moral support! You know what a ball baby I am! Thanks for the LOVE!

Shina said...

Megan it is totally ok. I am a first time mom as well and I think I need to take Peyton in for everything. My doc was concerned about her weight as well but as soon as I got her on solids she has done alot better. But be glad you have family around that can help. I don't know what I would do with out my sister and mom. I know I would lost and one stressed out girl. I hope it gets better.

Naomi said...

I hear ya on being a first time mom! I take Tegan in for everything. Like he was projectile vomiting and I took him in and he also had a cold and they said that nothing is wrong. Now he isn't vomiting(knock on wood). Well I do think that the 2nd to the last pic is the cutest! She is adorable and she will catch up on her weight don't worry!

Brittany said...

It is so scary when the Doctor is concerned! But, it is so much better that you have a good doctor that is aware and doesn't wait until something is really wrong. She looks fine to me! At least you won't be nursing a 25 pound 1 year old. That is embarassing!